Looking East from atop Battery Steele

Our Lands

The properties listed below are open to the public, except where noted. OCT asks that you walk gently. By keeping your visits low-impact and respectful, future generations will be able to enjoy these lands.

Cliff Island

The Bluffs

The Bluffs
1989, Easement, 18 Acres

The panoramic view of Casco Bay from The Bluffs, as well as the scenic view from the water, is spectacular. The private owners allow public access on walkable paths (beware of poison ivy) to both North and South points. This property abuts the ACE ballfield.

North Point

North Point
1997, Easement, 9 Acres

The conservation easement on privately owned wooded property preserves open space on Cliff Island and the scenic views from Casco Bay, ensuring that all boaters passing by Cliff Island can enjoy an essentially undeveloped, prominent headland. There is no public access.

Ace Ballfield

ACE Ballfield
2000, Easement, 15.4 Acres

Owned by the Cliff Island Corporation for Athletics, Conservation and Education (ACE), the ballfield abuts The Bluffs and is used for many community recreational purposes. A freshwater marsh, set between two beaches, hosts many migratory birds on their north-south migration.

Griffins Cove

Griffins Cove
2000, Easement, 0.75 Acre

Located in the center of Cliff Island opposite the Ferry Wharf, this parcel was donated by Mary Brackett to ACE. The easement allows passive recreational use of the community swimming hole. The shorefront is used for the storing of boats and fishing gear in the winter.

Gardiner Easement

Gardiner Easement
2014, Easement, .27 Acres

Owned by the Cliff Island Corporation for Athletics, Conservation and Education (ACE), A mid intertidal parcel with forested upland habitat.  With views of Jewell Island.

The Meadow

The Meadow
2021, Easement, 11 Acres

A Conservation Easement has been donated by its new owner, Cliff Island Corporation for Athletics, Conservation and Education (ACE), to Oceanside Conservation Trust of Casco Bay (OCT). The Meadow’s eleven acres have a long and interesting history as a resource on Cliff, as well as providing serenity, beauty, passive recreation and ready access to beach and ocean.

Land Associates of Long Island
2017, Easement, 10.8 Acres

Owned by Land Associates of Cliff Island (LACI). The property has views of and access to  the shoreline, as well as an undeveloped view from Casco Bay. The land has mixed forest/woodlands, wetland, natural areas, trails, open space, shoreline access, contiguity to preserved land (Gardner preserve held by OCT) and aquifer protection.

Little Diamond Island

Memorial Woods

Memorial Woods
2006, Easement, 0.5 Acre

Purchased through community effort and preserved by the Little Diamond Island Association (LDIA), these five former house lots are preserved as open space on Little Diamond Island. The property includes old growth oaks and abundant wild ramps.

Hagge Woods

Hagge Woods
2012, Owned by OCT, 2.47 Acres

A gift from Cyrus & Patty Hagge. Forested upland on Little Diamond Island with old growth American Beech and Shagbark Hickory trees. On the shore of Casco Bay with views of Portland.

OCT Putman Lot on Little Diamond Island

Bishop Healy Woods
2020, Owned by OCT, 4 Acres

Two waterfront lots totaling 4 waterfront acres was purchased by OCT in early 2020. The funds to purchase these lots was raised by the Little Diamond community with an added donation by OCT. The land includes wetland areas, high ledge, old growth oaks, and blueberry bushes.

The Quiet Oaks
2022,  Owned by OCT, 6.8 Acres

A gift from Patty Dodd. The lot on Little Diamond Island is a nice example of mature forested upland and wetland. The forested upland is dominated by mature Red Oak. American Beech and Paper Birch are also on the lot with scattered white pine. Several Shagbark Hickory are at the northern extent of their range. There are several small pocket wetlands scattered across the lot.

Memorial Woods
2022, Owned by OCT, 1.6 Acres

First purchased through community effort by the Little Diamond Island Association (LDIA), five former house lots were protected by an easement granted in 2006. In 2022 LDIA deeded the property to OCT and an additional five abutting lots were added by a generous donation from Cyrus Haage. The property includes old growth oaks and abundant wild ramps.

Long Island

Fowlers Beach

Fowlers Beach
1987, Easement, 7.18 Acres

Framed by Rosa rugosa and beach grass, this beautiful double-horseshoe sandy beach is used for community recreation. Fowler’s Beach is owned by the Long Island Civic Association (LICA) and includes open space on marshy upland portions.

College Island

College Island
1998, Owned by OCT, 1 Acre

Previously owned by CMP, this small island located off the western edge of Long Island is managed for recreational day use by the Maine Island Trails Association. The steep ledge shoreline rises to a dense growth of roses and bayberry.

Wreck Cove

Wreck Cove
2004, Easement, 11.3 Acres

Owned by the town of Long Island, this wooded parcel with a 400 foot cobble beach preserves open space containing diverse habitats of woods, wetland and shoreline for wildlife and recreation.

Jerry Point
2022, Easement, 11.3 Acres

Jerry Point is located on Long Island and is owned by Henry Donovan and The Lucy Davis Donovan State Marital Trust. The property has limited residential areas and is contiguous with Fowler’s Beach also under an easement held by OCT. The steep shoreline has a small walkway/wharf with a seasonal dock.  The property contains a cattail marsh, mixed forest, red spruce forest, and red maple swamp. Remnants of the local Navy infirmary from WWII are in the southeastern portion of the property.  

Peaks Island

Daveis Sanctuary

Daveis Sanctuary
1994, Owned by the OCT, 6.8 Acres

Designated in 1946 by Mary and Mabel Daveis as a songbird sanctuary, Daveis Sanctuary was transferred in 1977 to Maine Audubon and to the OCT in 1994. A conservation easement is held by the Peaks Island Land Preserve (PILP). The woods and waterfront abut Skillings Woods.

Battery Steele

Battery Steele
1995, Easement, 14.3 Acres

This historic WWII coastal battery defence located on the ocean side of Peaks Island is owned by the PILP. Batery Steele was built to protect Casco Bay during World War II, and is now used for open space and recreation.

Everett and Mildred Skillings Woods

Everett & Mildred Skillings Woods
2001, Owned by OCT, 1.5 Acres

Donated by Robert and Sarah Skillings, this wooded property conserves open space on Peaks Island. It abuts Daveis Sanctuary and Echo Pond. The conservation easement is held by PILP.

Echo Pond

Echo Pond
2005, Owned by OCT, 0.4 Acre

OCT purchased this pond from Jack and Candace Healy to compliment Skillings Woods and the Daveis Sanctuary and is studying the pond to document significant vernal pool activity.

Ice Pond

Ice Pond
2017, Easement, 2+ Acres

Partnered with the Peaks Island Land Preserve to double layer the protection of this historic community asset.